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DIY Dinosaur Suncatchers Craft for Kids 🦖

Transform your windows into a prehistoric wonderland with these DIY Dinosaur Suncatchers for kids! The perfect art and craft activity for dinosaur lovers.

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More Dinosaur Themed Arts and Crafts to Try

Unleash your child’s inner artist with these dinosaur art and craft ideas. These are great for in the classroom or as an easy homeschool activity to do with your young children.

  1. Dinosaur Silhouette Art
  2. Free Dinosaur Coloring Pages
  3. Paper Plate Triceratops
  4. Bubble Wrap Dinosaurs
  5. Toilet Roll Dinosaurs

For more ideas, take a look at these 30 Fun Dinosaur Crafts for Kids.

Materials Needed

  1. Contact paper
  2. ​Colored markers
  3. Scissors

How to Make Dinosaur Suncatchers

1. Cut the contact paper to size.

You can make your dino suncatchers as small or as large as you like. If you want to make a craft project of prehistoric proportions, then make a giant suncatcher and get your entire class to decorate it for you, as a group project.

2. Draw a dinosaur onto the non sticky side.

Let your kids make their own design and draw whatever kind of dinosaur shapes they want.

If you’re doing this fun craft with toddlers and are not confident at drawing the dinosaur sun catchers for them, don’t worry. You can also trace the dinosaur onto the contact paper instead. 

3. Color in the dinosaur.

I used regular colored sharpies for this craft because I already had them in my craft supplies. However I would love to try sun catcher paint and see how differently they turn out.

4. Peel the backing off, and stick it onto the window.

Once the direct sunlight shines through your suncatcher crafts, your dinosaur will glow.

One thing I did find however, was that when left on the window for several weeks, the color from the markers faded. If you want to leave your dinosaurs on the window for an entire term or more, then try using tissue paper instead.

Are you going to make these Dinosaur Suncatchers with your kids?
Don’t forget to pin the idea for later.