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Emergency Activity Pack

Some days you can’t cope. The kids (and you) are crying: the house is a mess: you need to cook dinner or at least have 5 seconds of peace before you go crazy. In those moments (we all have them), when the s*** hits the fan, what you need is an EMERGENCY ACTIVITY PACK.

The free printable emergency activity pack is a collection of kids activities that'll save your sanity on those days when everything descends into chaos. From toddlers to homeschoolers, there's something for everyone. Energy burner games, puzzles, arts and crafts. You'll find peace of mind knowing that you have a plan B when you need it.

The emergency activity pack is a collection of free printable activities to engage your kids and let you get 5 minutes to breathe. It contains energy-burning games, puzzles and, art and craft activities for kids of a range of ages. Some of these printables can’t be found on and are exclusive to subscribers.

Here is a sneak peek of what the free printable activity pack contains.

To get your free copy of the emergency activity pack, sign up to the Taming Little Monsters e-mail list and we’ll send it to you as a printable PDF file. Then all you have to do is print it out, set it up, and you’re all ready to go. You can sit back and relax knowing that in those challenging moments when the s*** hits the fan, you’ve got a plan B.

Fill in the subscribers form below to get peace of mind today.