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Winter Pom Pom Sensory Bin for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Enjoy some indoor fun with this Winter Pom Pom Sensory Bin for kids. Toddlers and preschoolers will love discovering all of the different ways these simple items can be used to play and explore.

Make your day easy with the Winter Activity Pack.

For only $10 you get 90+ pages of hands-on activities and craft templates that are perfect for math and literacy centers, fine motor skills and more. Perfect for preschool and kindergarten aged children.

Take a closer look inside or buy it here.

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More Winter Sensory Play Ideas for Kids

As the weather gets colder it’s a great opportunity to stay indoors with some sensory play ideas. These winter themed sensory activities are perfect for toddlers and preschoolers to play and learn from.

  1. Taste Safe Iceberg Sensory Bin for Winter
  2. Winter Sensory Bottles
  3. Polar Animals Sensory Bin
  4. Winter Forest Sensory Bin
  5. Snowflake Soup
  6. Winter Sensory Sticky Play

For more ideas, check out this list of 25 Winter Sensory Activities.

Materials Needed

  1. A large plastic tub or tray
  2. Blue yarn
  3. Blue and white pom poms
  4. Blue or white pipe cleaners
  5. Snowflake ornaments
  6. A sectioned tray or muffin tin (optional)
  7. Bubble tongs (optional) or other sensory bin tools

How to Create a Winter Pom Pom Sensory Bin

Step 1. Fill your plastic tub with blue yarn.

I like using yarn as a sensory bin filler because it’s easy to pack away for next year’s class, doesn’t go off, and doesn’t take up a lot of room.

I prefer to take a whole roll and just cut it down the middle. Instead of going through one giant piece that will just get tangled and is only fun for one child at a time.

2. Sprinkle the blue and white pom poms over the wool.

3. Add in some pipe cleaner snowflakes.

To make the snowflakes, I took a blue pipe cleaner and cut it into 4 equal sections. I then held all of the sections together, twisted them in the middle, and finally spread out the individual pieces.

4. Add in a muffin tin and some tongs and you’re ready to play.

Different Ways to Play

Idea 1. Transfer the pom poms.

Use the tongs, spoons or whatever you have on hand to pick up the pom poms and transfer them into your muffin tin.

Idea 2. Sort the pom poms by size and color.

I asked my kids to sort the pom poms into small, medium and big. Sorting and classifying is an early math skill that toddlers and preschoolers can work on while they play.

Idea 3. Make a sensory bottle.

Encourage your kids to push the sensory bin items through the small hole of an empty bottle. This requires hand-eye coordination and dexterity. Both of which are essential for developing fine motor skills.

Idea 4. Use the items to make a picture.

I got out a sheet of paper and showed my kids how to use the items to make art. While I made a snowflake to illustrate what I meant. They ended up making all sorts of amazing things out of the yarn and pom poms.

Are you going to make this Winter Pom Pom Sensory Bin with your kids?
Don’t forget to pin the idea for later.

Winter Activity Pack

Over 90+ pages of Winter themed play based learning activities and craft templates. Perfect for preschool and kindergarten.